Adult Formation
Spiritual formation at St. Paul’s encourages, develops, and supports disciples for ministry in the world. Below are opportunities to deepen your faith, explore God’s Word, and engage in enlightening discussions with fellow parishioners.
The Forum – Sunday mornings at 10 am in Norton Hall
Grab a cup of coffee and gather with others as we hear from notable speakers on range of engaging topics at the intersection of faith and daily life. Come listen, learn, and ask questions. Forums are also recorded and posted to St. Paul’s YouTube channel for later viewing.
You can view recordings of most past Adult Forums on the St. Paul’s YouTube channel. Click the link below to access.
Annual Lecture Series
Each year, we welcome celebrated speakers to honor the legacy of three important figures in St. Paul’s history.
Benjamin H. Latrobe Lecture
Each year, St. Paul’s hosts a lecture honoring the legacy of architect Benjamin H. Latrobe. Latrobe played a significant role in the design of St. Paul’s Church, which was completed in 1818. Since that time it has been modified, expanded, and renovated, always preserving the basic integrity of Latrobe’s design. The annual lecture typically features an acclaimed church architect and takes place in mid-winter.
Martha J. Horne Lecture
The Martha J. Horne Lectures were established to recognize and celebrate the significant contributions that Dean Horne has made to the education and formation of many women and men for service in the Church. Her efforts to prepare students have been significant and far-reaching. These lectures strive to honor the commitment she made to the Virginia Theological Seminary during her 13 years as Dean and President and to St. Paul’s through her long-standing ministry as a Parish Associate. The lecture typically takes place in late winter.
Inquirers and Newcomers Classes:
Owning our Faith
This 4-week series explores the foundations of our Christian faith and practice, designed for those new to St. Paul’s and for long-time parishioners who want to re-engage their faith and learn more about what it means to be Episcopalian. Each year St. Paul’s clergy team considers fundamentals of faith with an eye to an undergirding theme.
Considering Confirmation
A time for adults considering taking a step of commitment in faith to gather for conversation with clergy and one another to learn about the process of Confirmation, Reception, or Reaffirmation of Baptismal Vows in the Episcopal Church, and to explore resources and opportunities for preparation at St. Paul’s.
Center for Spiritual Direction
St. Paul’s Center for Spiritual Direction, established in September 2016, serves as an extension of our pastoral ministry and as a resource for spiritual guidance to the parish and to …