
The programs and ministries at St. Paul’s serve all members of this community. We seek to provide programming and fellowship opportunities that engage all, from our youngest church-goers right up to our life-long parishioners.

Dinner Groups

Parishioners gather together in small groups for monthly dinners. Gatherings can be held in people’s homes or in restaurants. These monthly gatherings help parishioners strengthen ties to one another and form deeper connections to the St. Paul’s Community.


The St. Paul’s Beefeaters is a group of individuals who share membership in St. Paul’s and the need to occasionally lift, haul, demolish, build, or repair objects with the express purpose of improving the surroundings of their beloved church. The group also enjoys roasting meat and imbibing an occasional spirit; bartending church events; and endlessly quoting classic movie lines. If you are interested in joining this majestic group of fellows (and ladies), please contact Anthony Marasco. You can also follow us on Facebook at The St. Paul’s Beefeaters. The St. Paul’s Beefeaters: Shine as a light, and replace the bulb as needed.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers

Lay Eucharist Ministers (LEM) assist the clergy by taking Holy Communion to those in our parish who are homebound, hospitalized, or otherwise unable to attend Sunday services. LEMs help maintain the connection between the congregation and the person being visited. Time commitments vary, but usually LEMs will make one visit a month. Special training and licensing by the Diocese of Virginia are provided for those who are part of this ministry team.

Meals Ministry

St. Paul’s Meals Ministry provides meals to St. Paul’s parishioners who are experiencing a time of illness, bereavement, or other emergency. By providing meals to parishioners at home, we hope to ease one of life’s daily burdens and provide a chance for individuals and families to focus on healing, both physically and spiritually. The time commitment for the meals ministry involves making or purchasing a meal or light fare and delivering the meal at a mutually agreeable time.

Memorial Flowers

Memorial flowers are a nice way to remember family and friends and to give thanks for various blessings in life. The flowers decorate the nave and chapel on Sundays.

New Baby Ministry

St. Paul’s New Baby Ministry assists St. Paul’s families who have a new baby in their lives by providing respite care and meals and offering other assistance as needed. Ministry volunteers also welcome each new child and give a gift of a hand-crafted “cradle-cross” in the name of the congregation.

Shrine Mont Parish Weekend

Every spring, St. Paul’s parishioners head to the Diocesan retreat center in the mountains of western Virginia for a weekend of fun. The weekend includes programs for adults and youth. Parishioners are welcome to participate in as much or as little as they like.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Every year on the night before Ash Wednesday, parishioners gather in Norton Hall for a pancake supper. Live music and entertainment are included. Come discover why this pre-Lent pancake supper is a parish favorite for church members of all ages. Children of all ages are also welcome.