
If you play an instrument and would like to add your music to one of our offerings, we would be happy to have you with us. Several opportunities exist to join one of our regular services.

Much of the 9:00 Sunday service is accompanied by the Damascus Road Dogs. This band is a flexible instrumentation group of musicians that meets at 8:15 on Sunday mornings to learn the music for that morning. This is a piano driven ensemble that includes drums, guitar, and saxophone. While the interpretation of the hymns played is slightly more contemporary, this is not a praise band. The music is still largely drawn from traditional hymnody and the supplemental musical material of the Episcopal church, particularly the “Wonder, Love, and Praise” and “Lift Every Voice and Sing II” collections.

The 5:00 contemplative healing service is a piano led service incorporating both traditional hymns and Taizé chants. The Taizé chants allow the congregation to meditate on a simple sung melody in repetition, while other musicians add variety to the music by playing countermelodies. The result is a beautiful and moving musical experience that feels simultaneously structured and improvised.

Hand Bell Choir will not be rehearsing formally this season, but we are still interested in hearing from ringers. Hand bells will be incorporated into music at various services throughout the season with interested players being contacted as opportunities become available.

Compline by Candlelight will be an evening service on Wednesdays in Advent, Epiphany, and Lent. More information about these services will be available soon.