Contemplative Prayer

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer is said each weekday morning at 9 a.m. in the Chapel, following the Morning Prayer service in the Book of Common Prayer.

Cloister Night

Our Cloister Night series takes place during Lent and Advent. This program provides intentional devotion that resembles the deep spiritual experiences of living in a monastery. The evening consists of Eucharist, a simple supper, shared devotion, and prayerful silence.

Quiet Days

Quiet Days offer a time to be still and rest in God before the start of two busy, important seasons, Advent and Lent.

Taizé Service

Praying with the Songs of Taizé is a communal contemplative experience. Gathered in the presence of Christ, we sing short songs repeatedly, allowing the mystery of God to become tangible through the beauty of simplicity. You’re invited to join us for silence, scripture reading, prayer, and singing.