Global Outreach

Pennies from Heaven Fundraiser

Each summer, we raise scholarships for young students to attend elementary school in Renk, South Sudan. A gift of $300 covers tuition, food, and school uniforms for one year. To make a donation of any amount, write “Pennies from Heaven” in the memo line of a check to St. Paul’s.

St. Paul’s South Sudanese Congregation

For well over a decade, South Sudanese refugees in the Washington area have worshipped at St. Paul’s, following the liturgies of the Episcopal Church of Sudan. They meet weekly at 2:00 p.m. at St. Paul’s. The parish hall is available to the congregation for family events, celebrations, meetings, and more.

What you can do: Pray for the Episcopal Church of Sudan; join the St. Paul’s Sudanese congregation for Sunday worship at 2:00 p.m.

American Friends of the Episcopal Church of Sudan and South Sudan (AFRECS)

American Friends of the Episcopal Church of Sudan and South Sudan (AFRECS) connects Episcopal parishes throughout the United States that share a commitment to the Episcopal Church of Sudan and South Sudan and its mission. AFRECS builds collaboration around ministries that are most effectively done at a national level, particularly advocacy for peace in Sudan and South Sudan.

What you can do: Get involved by receiving their newsletter — email [email protected] to get on their distribution list — which provides opportunities for advocacy and prayer for Sudan and South Sudan.

Dinka Bible Translation

We financially support Wycliffe Bible Translators, who are in the process of translating the Old Testament into Dinka, the most commonly spoken language in South Sudan (the New Testament translation has been completed). Local South Sudanese language experts, who are also well-versed in Hebrew and Greek, lead the process.

What you can do: Financial contribution and prayer are the primary ways to help.

Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD)

Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) is the international relief and development arm of the Episcopal Church in the United States, guided by the Episcopal Church’s principles of compassion, dignity, and generosity as they work to heal a hurting world.

What you can do: Learn about ERD ministries from their Web site, pray for their work, and support them financially.

Five Talents – South Sudan

Five Talents is a microenterprise organization that works across the Anglican Communion, offering low-interest loans to help people overcome poverty through starting small businesses. The name of this ministry comes from the famous parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14-30. They utilize the local networks of Anglican parish communities in Africa, Asia, and Latin America to disseminate small loans.

Renk Theological College

Renk Theological College is a seminary of the Episcopal Church of Sudan. It trains clergy in practices of ministry, biblical studies, and theology.