5 Tenets

P R A Y . W O R S H I P . L E A R N .
S E R V E . G I V E .
As members of St. Paul’s, we work toward these five tenets that define our common life. We engage in a daily conversation with God through prayer and scripture, keeping the Sabbath by the weekly practice of corporate worship, engage in ongoing spiritual formation, serve the church and the world with our unique God-given gifts, and give generously of ourselves in support of the mission of the Church.
Engage in a daily conversation with God through prayer and scripture.
Keep the Sabbath by the weekly practice of corporate worship. St. Paul’s seeks worship that touches the heart and mind through
Engage in ongoing spiritual formation.
Serve the church and the world with our unique God-given gifts.
Give generously of ourselves in support of the mission of the church.