Giving Our Time, Talent, and Treasure
For over two centuries, parishioners at St. Paul’s have given donations to support the life and ministry of this church. In a time when church attendance is down and skepticism up — St. Paul’s continues to flourish. You make St. Paul’s the church it is today.
Baptism, nursery school, community, music, formation, history, solace, celebration, peace — the list of reasons we give to St. Paul’s is endless. Each of us supports St. Paul’s for a different reason. But we all support St. Paul’s. The pledges of the membership of St. Paul’s are a communal expression of our commitment to this parish and our support of its mission and ministries.
There are many ways to give to St. Paul’s Operating Fund. The best way is through an annual pledge — a prediction of your total gift for the upcoming fiscal year.
Other ways to give to St. Paul’s include:
Cash or Check: Simply drop it in the offering plate at one of our weekly services or mail it to the parish office.
One-Time Gift: Click here to contribute a one-time gift to a specific fund or ministry at St. Paul’s.
Securities: To make a gift of stock, please contact Maria Halloran (703-549-3312 x21) for information.
Planned Giving: Provide for the future of St. Paul’s by becoming a member of the Covenant Circle. Talk with your financial advisor about including a bequest to St. Paul’s Church in your will.
St. Paul’s Foundation
The St. Paul’s Foundation The St. Paul’s Foundation was established in 1992 to build an endowment for the support, care, maintenance, and restoration of the buildings and grounds owned by …
The Covenant Circle
Established in 2001, the Covenant Circle has grown to over 90 members. Members of the Covenant Circle have committed themselves to the life and ministry of the parish, not only …
What is Planned Giving?
Planned giving encompasses a variety of ways that gifts can be made to the church from accumulated resources. It usually involves financial or estate planning; however, it is not reserved …